Catholic Family of Cheektowaga Celebrates the Sacraments!
OCIA (formerly RCIA)
The journey towards becoming a full member of the Catholic Church includes time for prayer, catechesis, and conversation. For those who are not baptized or baptized in another Christian denomination and seeking to be full members of the Catholic Church, or Baptized Catholic but not Confirmed, there is a program called the Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults. OCIA is also open to Catholics who are already Confirmed and would like a program to learn more about the faith.
Candidates should begin to attend Mass and attend the Stations of the Cross each Friday of Lent.
Volunteers are needed to assist with helping our candidates move through this program. There is no prior experience needed. Training will be provided.
If you would like more information about the OCIA program or would like to volunteer, please contact the OLHC Parish Office at 716 276-9288 prior to the beginning of Lent.
The journey towards becoming a full member of the Catholic Church includes time for prayer, catechesis, and conversation. For those who are not baptized or baptized in another Christian denomination and seeking to be full members of the Catholic Church, or Baptized Catholic but not Confirmed, there is a program called the Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults. OCIA is also open to Catholics who are already Confirmed and would like a program to learn more about the faith.
Candidates should begin to attend Mass and attend the Stations of the Cross each Friday of Lent.
Volunteers are needed to assist with helping our candidates move through this program. There is no prior experience needed. Training will be provided.
If you would like more information about the OCIA program or would like to volunteer, please contact the OLHC Parish Office at 716 276-9288 prior to the beginning of Lent.
Baptisms - Every Sunday, during or after the Eucharist. Please arrange two witnesses who will become the Godparents of your child. One of them must be a practicing Catholic and member of a Parish Church.
New Parishioners - Always welcome to register and support us through time, talent, and treasure. Registration Forms are available in the back of our Churches. Please visit or contact our office to register or notify us when moving out of the Parish.
Reconciliation - Confessions are available 20 minutes before every daily Mass and 30 minutes before Saturday Vigil Masses.
Faith Formation - Every child and youth need to be educated and continue to grow in faith by the help of parents, family members, and Church. Please call (716) 458-3071 to register your child for the Religious Education program.
First Confession and Confirmation - Please see our Ministries Page for information.
Confessions - Our priests are available to administer this important Sacrament of Mercy. The schedule for daily Mass confession is 20 min. before the 8:30 am Mass on Tuesday at Queen of Martyrs, the 12:00 pm Mass on Wednesday at St. Josaphat, the 12:00 pm Mass on Thursday at Resurrection, and the 8:30 am Mass on Friday at OLHC (Chapel). Confession is also available before our vigil Masses. Also, call the office for a personal appt. Every Catholic needs to go to Confession at least once a year. Holy Communion can be received during the Mass only in the state of grace (without mortal sin).
Marriage - The sacrament for women and men in love that want to create a new Christian family together and with God. All couples who are choosing to serve the Church through the vocation of marriage are invited to schedule the ceremony at least 6 months before the wedding day.
Anointing of the sick - We administer the sacrament every Tuesday, after 12 pm Mass at Resurrection Church. Also, call us to request a home or hospital visit. Please do not postpone contacting a priest at the very moment of death but request the sacrament when the sick person is still conscious and aware of the approaching final journey. For emergencies call 716-598-0357.
Funerals - Please arrange with the funeral home of your choice. They will contact our Church for you to schedule this very important liturgical celebration for our beloved departed.
St. Josaphat Food Pantry - The food pantry is open every Saturday from 9:00 am-2:00 pm to anyone wishing to drop off donations or seeking assistance from the pantry. Call the St. Josaphat Parish Office at (716) 893-1086 for appointment.
Priesthood / Religious Life - If you hear Gods calling to serve the Church as a Priest, Deacon, or Religious woman or man, please contact the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Buffalo at 716-847-5335.
Letter of Recommendation - These are testimonies to the fact that you are a practicing Catholic in the Parish. Please use contribution envelopes to indicate attendance. To be a sponsor, a person needs to be conϐirmed, registered at our Parish, and attending Holy Mass at our Church. Please call the ofϐice of your membership to receive a letter of good stands to become a Godparent for Baptism or Sponsor for Conϐirmation.
Mission Statement: Believing in the sanctity of the human body, the resurrection and eternal life, we are dedicated to the respectful care of God’s people, who even in death remain a part of our Faith community. The cemetery at OLHC has space available in our beautiful cemetery. If you would like to discuss purchasing a grave or columbarium, please call Joanna at the OLHC Parish and Cemetery Office at 716 276-9288.
$1,400 (Parishioner)
$1,500 (non-Parishioner)
COLUMBARIUM: (St. Francis, St. Joseph, & St. Barbara)
Level A (top)…………………………………………..……..…. $2,175
Level B……………………………………...…...……...……..…$2,075
Level C…………………………………………….…..........……$1,975
Level D (bottom)………………..……………..……….….…….$1,875
Note: Price includes engraving with no additional opening/closing fees.
New Parishioners - Always welcome to register and support us through time, talent, and treasure. Registration Forms are available in the back of our Churches. Please visit or contact our office to register or notify us when moving out of the Parish.
Reconciliation - Confessions are available 20 minutes before every daily Mass and 30 minutes before Saturday Vigil Masses.
Faith Formation - Every child and youth need to be educated and continue to grow in faith by the help of parents, family members, and Church. Please call (716) 458-3071 to register your child for the Religious Education program.
First Confession and Confirmation - Please see our Ministries Page for information.
Confessions - Our priests are available to administer this important Sacrament of Mercy. The schedule for daily Mass confession is 20 min. before the 8:30 am Mass on Tuesday at Queen of Martyrs, the 12:00 pm Mass on Wednesday at St. Josaphat, the 12:00 pm Mass on Thursday at Resurrection, and the 8:30 am Mass on Friday at OLHC (Chapel). Confession is also available before our vigil Masses. Also, call the office for a personal appt. Every Catholic needs to go to Confession at least once a year. Holy Communion can be received during the Mass only in the state of grace (without mortal sin).
Marriage - The sacrament for women and men in love that want to create a new Christian family together and with God. All couples who are choosing to serve the Church through the vocation of marriage are invited to schedule the ceremony at least 6 months before the wedding day.
Anointing of the sick - We administer the sacrament every Tuesday, after 12 pm Mass at Resurrection Church. Also, call us to request a home or hospital visit. Please do not postpone contacting a priest at the very moment of death but request the sacrament when the sick person is still conscious and aware of the approaching final journey. For emergencies call 716-598-0357.
Funerals - Please arrange with the funeral home of your choice. They will contact our Church for you to schedule this very important liturgical celebration for our beloved departed.
St. Josaphat Food Pantry - The food pantry is open every Saturday from 9:00 am-2:00 pm to anyone wishing to drop off donations or seeking assistance from the pantry. Call the St. Josaphat Parish Office at (716) 893-1086 for appointment.
Priesthood / Religious Life - If you hear Gods calling to serve the Church as a Priest, Deacon, or Religious woman or man, please contact the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Buffalo at 716-847-5335.
Letter of Recommendation - These are testimonies to the fact that you are a practicing Catholic in the Parish. Please use contribution envelopes to indicate attendance. To be a sponsor, a person needs to be conϐirmed, registered at our Parish, and attending Holy Mass at our Church. Please call the ofϐice of your membership to receive a letter of good stands to become a Godparent for Baptism or Sponsor for Conϐirmation.
Mission Statement: Believing in the sanctity of the human body, the resurrection and eternal life, we are dedicated to the respectful care of God’s people, who even in death remain a part of our Faith community. The cemetery at OLHC has space available in our beautiful cemetery. If you would like to discuss purchasing a grave or columbarium, please call Joanna at the OLHC Parish and Cemetery Office at 716 276-9288.
$1,400 (Parishioner)
$1,500 (non-Parishioner)
COLUMBARIUM: (St. Francis, St. Joseph, & St. Barbara)
Level A (top)…………………………………………..……..…. $2,175
Level B……………………………………...…...……...……..…$2,075
Level C…………………………………………….…..........……$1,975
Level D (bottom)………………..……………..……….….…….$1,875
Note: Price includes engraving with no additional opening/closing fees.
Annuals only
One planter urn per grave placed on side of monument
No bushes or flowers to be planted in ground
No glass containers or ornamental flags
No fencing, plastic edging or decorative stones
Summer decorations to be removed by October 15th
Winter decorations to be removed by March 15th
All Holiday decorations must be removed 1 week after
The cemetery is not responsible for any damage incurred to monuments or lots as a result of weather conditions or vandalism. Broken or damaged decorations will be removed by the Cemetery.
Annuals only
One planter urn per grave placed on side of monument
No bushes or flowers to be planted in ground
No glass containers or ornamental flags
No fencing, plastic edging or decorative stones
Summer decorations to be removed by October 15th
Winter decorations to be removed by March 15th
All Holiday decorations must be removed 1 week after
The cemetery is not responsible for any damage incurred to monuments or lots as a result of weather conditions or vandalism. Broken or damaged decorations will be removed by the Cemetery.