Parish Support (Donations)
Weekly Collection - Envelopes are mailed to Parishioners bi-monthly. Your envelope can be turned in at any of the four Parishes. It will then be taken to the Parish in which you are registered. Your continued support helps us budget and project our needs.
Online donations for OLHC: Click here
Online donations for Resurrection: Click here
Online donations for St. Josaphat: Click here
Online donations for Queen of Martyrs: Click here
Donation Envelopes
In order to make it easier for our counters to identify the different parish's envelopes, each parish will have their own envelope colors. A few reminders:
1. Indicate the amount of your enclosed donation on the front of your envelope.
2. Put your donation for special collections in the envelope for that collection (don't combine with weekly offering).
3. All parishes have online giving - the links to each separate parish are located on our Family website (
Check donations for St. Vincent DePaul should be made payable to "St. Vincent DePaul" & check donations for St. Josaphat food pantry should be made payable to "St. Josaphat" and write "food pantry" on the memo line. Thank you for your understanding and continued generosity.
Daily Draw - The Holy Name Society conducts the Daily Draw. Tickets available from your favorite seller and after weekend Masses. Click here for winning numbers.
Donations In Memory/Honor Of
If you would like to make a special donation in memory/ honor of a loved one, the Diocese requires that some type of note is included with your donation that expresses your wishes, and if your donation is in check form, please make a notation on your check that your donation is a memorial donation. We must retain a copy of all memorial donations, and at the end of the fiscal year, we must include that documenta on with our year-end financial report. Please provide all donations of this type in a plain envelope addressed to the Parish Office (you can drop it in the collection basket) so a copy can be made before it goes to the counters. Please do not use your donation envelopes for this type of donation.
Thank you!
Online donations for OLHC: Click here
Online donations for Resurrection: Click here
Online donations for St. Josaphat: Click here
Online donations for Queen of Martyrs: Click here
Donation Envelopes
In order to make it easier for our counters to identify the different parish's envelopes, each parish will have their own envelope colors. A few reminders:
1. Indicate the amount of your enclosed donation on the front of your envelope.
2. Put your donation for special collections in the envelope for that collection (don't combine with weekly offering).
3. All parishes have online giving - the links to each separate parish are located on our Family website (
Check donations for St. Vincent DePaul should be made payable to "St. Vincent DePaul" & check donations for St. Josaphat food pantry should be made payable to "St. Josaphat" and write "food pantry" on the memo line. Thank you for your understanding and continued generosity.
Daily Draw - The Holy Name Society conducts the Daily Draw. Tickets available from your favorite seller and after weekend Masses. Click here for winning numbers.
Donations In Memory/Honor Of
If you would like to make a special donation in memory/ honor of a loved one, the Diocese requires that some type of note is included with your donation that expresses your wishes, and if your donation is in check form, please make a notation on your check that your donation is a memorial donation. We must retain a copy of all memorial donations, and at the end of the fiscal year, we must include that documenta on with our year-end financial report. Please provide all donations of this type in a plain envelope addressed to the Parish Office (you can drop it in the collection basket) so a copy can be made before it goes to the counters. Please do not use your donation envelopes for this type of donation.
Thank you!